Interested in purchasing investment houses in the 97331 zip code in Corvallis, OR?
The zip code 97331 is in Benton county with a latitude of -123.280350000000 and longitude of 44.564580000000, is in the state of Oregon. The average asking price of houses and condos is $468,144.00 and the average sale price was $284,740.00. this regions is classified as the Eugene metro area and consists of the following area codes: 458 and 541. The location in degrees is 44° 33' 52.488" N, 123° 16' 49.26" W. The county F.I.P.S. is 41003. The total land area is 0.3 square miles and the water area is 0.0 square miles. The zip code is on pacific standard time and observes daylight savings time.
The zip 97331 is in county number 003 and is L. Sector 10, L. Segment 04, H. Sector 04, and H. Segment 04. The population was 2,896 in 2019 and 2,408 in 2010. This further breaks down to 1,271 males (43.9%) and 1,624 females (56.1%). The median age of residents is 19.2 years. The population of the greater Corvallis, OR area is 84,791. The population density (people per square mile) is 8,976.
The financial status of those living in this area is considered lower middle class.
The average individual salary is $15,457. The median household income of individuals is $12,507.00. This zip code has a mean commute time to work of 13.9 minutes. The unemployment rate is 14.1%. Income earners by percent breakdown as 100.00% (Under $50,000), 0.00% ($50,000-$100,000), and 0.00% earn over $100,000. The cost of living index is 93.9. The educational breakdown is 100.4% have a high school education or higher, 41.4% have a bachelor's degree or higher, and 41.4% have some kind of profesional degree.
This area has 3 households. Individuals who are single and have never been married are 100.0%, 0.0% are now married, 0.0% are separated, 0.0% are widowed, and 0.0% are divorced.
The real estate tax percent rate is 1.1% which equated to an average real estate tax amount payment of $4,337. In comparision, the average real estate tax percent rate in the state is 0.9% which equated to an average real estate tax amount payment in the state of $3,203. Reported taxable interest for persons was $114 and itemized deductions $11,769.
Tokyo Japanese Steak House & Sushi Bar
250 SW 3rd St, Corvallis, OR 97333 (1.7 miles away)
Harry & Annette's Just Fresh Seafood
151 NW Monroe Ave, Corvallis, OR 97330 (1.9 miles away)
Figaros Italian Kitchen Inc
14011 Main St, Philomath, OR 97370 (5.7 miles away)
Tangent Inn
32994 Highway 99e, Tangent, OR 97389 (8.3 miles away)
Casetta di Pasta
300 2nd Ave SW, Albany, OR 97321 (9.4 miles away)
David Eiland
30005 Highway 99e, Shedd, OR 97377 (11.4 miles away)