Interested in purchasing investment houses in the 63957 zip code in Piedmont, MO?
The zip code 63957 is in Wayne county with a latitude of -90.682880000000 and longitude of 37.145100000000, is in the state of Missouri. The average asking price of houses and condos is $108,737.00 and the average sale price was $111,587.00. this regions is classified as the Paducah - Cape Girardeau metro area and is in the 573 area code. The location in degrees is 37° 8' 42.36" N, 90° 40' 58.368" W. The county F.I.P.S. is 29223. This zip code contains two cities including Piedmont, MO (1.10%), and Mill Spring, MO (0.00%) The total land area is 191.6 square miles and the water area is 2.4 square miles. The elevation in this area is 522 - 820 feet. The zip code is on central standard time and observes daylight savings time.
The zip 63957 is in county number 223 and is L. Sector , L. Segment , H. Sector , and H. Segment . The population was 5,784 in 2019 and 5,440 in 2010. This further breaks down to 2,637 males (45.6%) and 3,146 females (54.4%). The median age of residents is 46.7 years. The population density (people per square mile) is 30. This zip code has a combined total of 3,391 houses and condos. There are 790 rented appartments. 32% of residents rent versus the 32% of residents in the state who rent.
The financial status of those living in this area is considered lower middle class. The average individual gross adjusted income is $32,005 and the average salary is $27,549. The median household income of individuals is $24,981.00 and the average is $36,830.00. This zip code has a mean commute time to work of 26.2 minutes. The unemployment rate is 3.6%. Income earners by percent breakdown as 79.00% (Under $50,000), 16.50% ($50,000-$100,000), and 4.50% earn over $100,000. 25.0% of residents live below poverty line versus the 12.9% in the state that are below this line. The cost of living index is 76.3. The educational breakdown is 73.6% have a high school education or higher, 11.1% have a bachelor's degree or higher, and 4.0% have some kind of profesional degree.
This area has 2,288 households and the average size is 2.3 people. Individuals who are single and have never been married are 18.5%, 50.0% are now married, 3.3% are separated, 9.4% are widowed, and 18.7% are divorced. The average yearly contribution amount given by people to charity was $5,474 versus the state average of $4,745. The percent of residents who gave to charity was 8.8%.
The estimated median value of houses and condos is $81,604. The median monthly owner costs of mortgage holders was $811, where as the costs for those who don't have a mortgage are $308. The median number of rooms in houses and condos are 5.6 versus apartments which had a median number of 4.3.
The real estate tax percent rate is 0.6% which equated to an average real estate tax amount payment of $498. In comparision, the average real estate tax percent rate in the state is 0.9% which equated to an average real estate tax amount payment in the state of $1,563. The median housing property tax percent for residents with mortgages was 0.6% which amounted to an average tax amount of $485. Conversely, the median housing property tax percent for residents who don't have mortgages was 0.6% which amounted to an average tax amount of $510. Reported taxable interest for persons was $1,245, dividends $1,846, capital gains +$6,422, and itemized deductions $18,985. The average earned income tax credit is $2,246. The percent of individuals that use a tax preparer is 70.7%. The total average income taxes paid by individuals was $4,392. Businesses reported an average profit of $5,379.
The Front Porch Grill
1019 N Main St, Piedmont, MO 63957
Junior's Steakhouse
127 W Elm St, Piedmont, MO 63957
Bobby's Drive Thru
303 S Main St, Piedmont, MO 63957
Hercules Southern BBQ
119 E Fir St, Piedmont, MO 63957
216 Piedmont Ave, Piedmont, MO 63957
Bonez & Buffet
Piedmont, MO 63957
Hunan Chinese Restaurant
116 W Fir St, Piedmont, MO 63957
5 Star China Garden
316 S Main St, Piedmont, MO 63957
Chuck Wagon Restaurant
201 Piedmont Ave, Piedmont, MO 63957
Gooch's Drive In
State Hwy Hh, Piedmont, MO 63957
Hercules Southern BBQ
1019 N Main St, Piedmont, MO 63957
Robbi's Zephyr Cafe
907 N Main St, Piedmont, MO 63957